- Values, Aug. 56 - H-bomb is absolute; World Government also absolute: legalizes human race
- Values, Oct. 57 - World Gov't. "arrives." Nataraja Guru on WG; How WG functions; deportaton,
- Vol. I/1, 57 - My theft of lingerie in Paris: analysis: 2 laws for citizens,aliens; "movement" upset
- Vol. I/2, July 75. - Swiss imprisonment reason for delay; depart for WC Assembly. San Francsco
- Vol. I/4,5 Sep/Oct 75 - Belgium OKs WSA pp; D. Gregory, M. Cummings, J. Rifkin, Yogi Bhajan
- Vol. II/6 Jan 76 - "Year of World Citizenship" World Crt of HR; nat. "suicide pact;" UDHR; WCP
- Vol. II/7,8, Feb/Mar 76 - US Bicentennial year; Constitution analysis; Peace "between" nations unrealistic
- Vol. I/1, Apr '77 - National leaders confronted by human rights; Carter endoses hr; Brezhnev rejects
- Vol. I/2, May 77 - Refused US entry; Arrested. Court case issues; speak at Hyde Park; G7 meets
- Vol. I/3, July' 77 - D. Carliner takes case; "SC could accept". Is USA sovereign? E Pluribus Unum
- Vol. I/6 Aug/77 - Salesman's philosophy: sale "begins" with "No." WSA pp based on right to travel
- Vol. I.2, Aug/77 - The Global Viewpoint; the science of "geo-dialectics" of Nataraja Guru
- Vol. I/7, Dec/78 - Statement, candidacy for "world parliament"; Schwimmer/Lloyd; Art. 13(2) UDHR
- Vol. II/8, Jul '80 - INS case reaches US Court Appeals, DC; 1st use of 9th amendment; US draft
- Vol. III/1, Jun/Jul 82 - US SC denies Certiorari and Rehearing petitions; right to choose citizenship
- Vol. IV/1, Mar/Apr 83 - Open Letter to Nuclear Freeze Activists; implies tacit agreement with war
- Vol. I/2, Mar 85 - I petition the World Court citing Reagan/Chernenko as "war criminals."
- Vol. V/1, Aug 89 - The WSA Passport: How to use it; Chinese students in tokyo seek pp
- Vol. V/4. Jun 90 - Oceanus: environmental WG of seas; Adm. E.R.Welles; Art. 15(2), UDHR
- Vol, V/5, Sept 90 - Open letter to National Leaders: Impotent. World Government still only answer
- Vol. V/6, Feb 91 - 8th day, Persian Gulf War; Bush claims "new world order;" WE ARE IT!
- Vol. V/8, Nov 91 - 2 questions to Bush/Gorbachev: Why destroy only nuclear weapons?; Why war?
- Vol. V/9, Dec 91 - Humanity at "crossroads;" Women's World Congress; "Future of HR" St. Michaels
- Vol. VI/1, Feb 92 - Vegetarianism consistent with one world principles; Diamond's book; Energy wasted
- Vol. VI/2, Mar 92 - "Water is God on earth"; Henri Spindler's experiments; Jacques Costeau's "ocean"
- Vol. VI/3, Apr 92 - What do Bush's aggression, males beating wives, etc. have in common? Left brain.
- Vol. VI/4, Apr 92 - "Space-The Final Frontier"; Attraction of "Star Trek;" I am a "Trekkie."
- Vol. VI/4, May 92 - Poverty vs Abundance; the "Earth Summit;" Pentagon's $1.5 trillion budget.
- Vol. VI/5, Jun 92 - "Open Letter to National Leaders." UN stillborn. Persian Gulf; Hypocrisy; UDHR
- Vol. VI/6, July/Aug 92 - Earth Summit, a "world moment"; mondialization: Cahors; 900+ cities globalized
- Vol. VI/7, Sep 92 - Identity; "Higher coherence" (Prigogene); Constantine; Jesus: "Thy will.be done."
- Vol. VI/8, Oct 92 - Jagat guru; Christ, Imam Mahdi, Socrates, Hypatia, Erasmus, Bergson, Emerson
- Vol. VI/9, Nov 92 - US presidential dabate; No programs; Betrayal of principles, people; Lao-Tse.
- Vol. VI/10, Dec 92 - A New Year in Space; Peenemunde; WCs "operate" in "world space;
- Vol. VII/1, Feb 93 - Clinton Pledges Allegiance to US Constitution; Obsolete. world law alone is peace
- Vol. VII/2, Mar 93 - More proof that meat eating is "murder"
- Vol. VII/4, May 93 - Koresh and Waco, Texas; Cybernetics and world peace; Meeting Stafford Beer
- Vol. VII/5, June 93 - Welcome to World Syntegration; Stafford Beers Joins WG
- Vol. VII/6, July/Aug 93 - U Pluribus Unum; thinking holistically; Bucky Fuller's "conceptual space" vehicle
- Vol. VII/7, Sept. 93 - Syntegration: What did it all mean?; Sovereign citizens "govern" world
- Vol. VII/8, Oct. 93 - Can Middle East peace really exist? Peres wants "civic community."
- Vol. VII/9, Nov. 93 - "The Anatomy of Peace"; Reve's: "nation-centric thinking;" Flew Navion,GPS
- Vol. VII/10, Dec. 93 - "New Year, New World"; "global" replaced "national"; Toffler, "War & anti-War"
- Vol. VIII/1, Feb/Mar 94 - Camdun campaign debunked; As WC candidate for DC mayor, score "DrugWar"
- Vol. VIII/2, Jun/Jul 94 - Meet Havel. Issue WP. We are "true world leaders;" "Media is message"
- Vol. VIII/3, Aug/Sep 94 - Hommage to a Prophet: Buckminster Fuller; "Four Worlds" analogy
- Vol. VIII/5,Oct/Nov 94 - Jury Assoc. "Conference Call"; Revise Constitution; US jury system: ICJ no law
- Vol. VIII/6, Dec/Jan 95 - "Trekkies Know the Truth"; 20m+ viewers; movies earned $500+m; 63m books
- Vol. IX/2, Apr/May 95 - "Stafford Beer's Contradictions"; Bourne, Glossop, world governance "hoax"
- Vol. IX/3, Jun/Jul 95 - "Are Design Science & Political Science Compatible"; Fuller Centenary Forum
- Vol. IX/4, Aug/Sep 95 - World Cit. Ass, World Fed. Meet, SF; Menuhin. Prin. Margaret, Boutros-Ghali
- Vol. IX/5, Oct/Nov 95 - "World Peace & Personal Health"; Ohsawa, Kushi, Advaita Vedanta, Unesco
- Vol. IX/6, Dec/Jan 96 - PM Rabin's assassination"; Yigal Amir; Maimonides; "Golden Calf" Israel
- Vol. X/1, Feb/Mar 96 - "Ownership of Land, Control of the Earth"; Hartzok; "Who Owns the World?"
- Vol. X/2, Apr/May 96 - "Into the Maelstrom: A Trip to Taiwan"; Taiwan history; Pres. Jiang Semin
- Vol. X/3, Jun/Jul 96 - "Disarmament without Law?" UN Conf; Jonathan Dean; Rotblat; Chernobyl
- Vol. X/4, Aug/Sep 96 - "Nuclear Ruling Exposes Fallacy of 'International Law'" ICJ advisory; caveat
- Vol. X/5, Oct/Nov 96 - "Open Letter to US Citizens: Do Your (Global) Duty Nov. 5"; no debate on war
- Vol. X/6, Dec/Jan 97 - Health & human rights; Harvard conf.; Jonathan Mann, Rudenstine, Simone Veil
- Vol. XI/1, Feb/Mar 97 - "From 1848 to 2000ŅA World Government Odyssey"; Evatt, Beer, Annan, WSP
- Vol. XI/2, Apr/May 97 - "Remembering Reves: Tribute with a Caveat"; Anatomy of Peace; Nataraja Guru;
- Vol. XI/3, Jun/Jul 97 - Wendy Reves comment; Power of women in politics; "Teacher" is a "trust."
- Oct. 2001 (WCN) - How should peace activists react to September 11, 2001?
- Dec. 2002 (WCN) - Return from The City Monterssori School, Lucknow, India; World Parliament.